Plastic surgeon in Niterói and Barra da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro

Breast surgery

Reduction mammoplasty

Breast reduction surgery involves the removal of glandular tissue and skin, leading to a reduction in the size and weight of the breasts.

It can be performed through incisions of various sizes, with the incision increasing according to the need for reduction. The incision varies from an exclusively periareolar one to a periareolar one associated with an inverted “T”.

The type and size of the incision define the final size of the scars.

The tissues of the mammary gland will be re-organized after resection of the “excess” to achieve a good shape in the new breast. This can alter the positioning of breast lumps or cysts that are not removed in the resected tissue.

The areolas and nipples will also be repositioned. Resection of the areolo-mamillary complex and grafting may be necessary. Thus, their sensitivity can be altered, as can their color, in either situation.

Further information about reduction mammoplasty

  • Breast augmentation does not normally alter breastfeeding, but there are cases where it is impossible to breastfeed.
  • If changes occur in the breast after surgery, ultrasound or MRI scans may be necessary to elucidate the diagnosis.
  • Scars evolve according to individual physiology, usually becoming barely noticeable, especially in the penumbra. If changes do occur, there are treatments that can be used in an attempt to improve the appearance of the scars, including disguising the areola and the scar with pigmentation.
  • Purple spots (bruising), partial or total, temporary or permanent loss of sensation in the breasts may occur.
  • The breasts will fall out over time. The breast is an organ supported essentially by the skin, so AS THE YEARS GO BY, THE BREASTS WILL FALL OFF.
  • Any plastic surgery may require a new “touch-up” procedure. A non-aesthetic scar, leftover skin or fatty tissue, badly positioned nipples. In these cases, the patient is responsible for the hospital costs and there is no cost to the medical team.

Preoperative Breast Reduction Surgery

Postoperative Breast Reduction Surgery

Other breast procedures

Before and after - Reduction mammoplasty

Surgeries and procedures performed by Dr. Celso Boechat

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Questions about breast reduction

Reduction mammoplasty: The most asked questions about breast reduction surgery

Reduction mammoplasty aims to remove excess fat, glandular tissue and skin from the breasts, providing a better quality of life and relieving the discomfort caused by excessive breast size and weight.

Surgery is indicated when the breasts cause physical discomfort, limit daily activities, cause back, neck and shoulder pain, as well as sagging, enlarged areolas and irritated skin due to excessive weight and volume.

The surgery is performed under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia and involves incisions in the breasts to remove excess breast tissue, reposition the nipple and reduce the areola, if necessary. The incisions can have different patterns, such as circular, T-shaped or keyhole.

After the procedure, the patient may need around 15 to 30 days to recover, during which time she should avoid intense physical exertion, sleep on her side or stomach, raise her arms above the shoulder line and wear an elastic bandage or surgical bra to support her breasts.

The results of the surgery can be seen almost immediately, although there may be swelling and slight asymmetries. However, definitive results are usually achieved 12 to 18 months after surgery, when the swelling subsides and the scars mature and become less noticeable.

Possible risks of reduction mammoplasty

MAMMAPLASTY, like any other surgery, has risks and complications, some of which are specific to it and others which are generic to any type of surgery. These include:


1. Allergies: Some medications or products used during surgery can cause allergic reactions, which can even lead to death. Allergic reactions are patient-dependent and can occur either to medicines or products that the patient has never had contact with, or to those that they have had previous contact with, even if they didn’t have a previous reaction.
2. Infection: Our body is colonized by countless bacteria, with which, at first, we live in extreme harmony. However, after surgery, they can cause infection, requiring treatment with antibiotics and rarely re-operation. In the case of prostheses, the prosthesis may be lost, but can be reinserted once the process has healed.
3. Hematoma: Accumulation of blood in the operated area, from a vessel that was not bleeding at the end of the operation, but did so in the immediate post-operative period. It can be treated by aspiration with a syringe and needle or, rarely, re-operation may be necessary.

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Clínica Dr. Celso Boechat
Acompanhamento de Pacientes