High-definition abdominal lipo
Lipo HD
HD Lipo on the abdomen, also known as LAD lipo, is a refined liposuction technique that aims to remove excess localized fat and create a definition of muscle contours, providing a silhouette makeover.
Characterized by a combination of hydroliposuction and superficial liposuction, the surgeon strategically sucks out body fat, enhancing natural lines and highlighting muscle contours through the superficial liposuction technique.
Muscle definition can be seen immediately after the procedure, although it is normal for the area to be a little swollen. The scars are discreet and practically imperceptible after 3 to 6 months of healing.
Which areas besides the abdomen can be treated with HD Lipo?
In addition to the abdomen, HD Lipo is ideal for emphasizing the muscles of the back, chest, arms, thighs and buttocks.
Who is HD Lipo on the abdomen suitable for?
HD Lipo is indicated for men and women who, even with heavy exercise and being at their ideal weight, find it difficult to define their muscles.
Does HD Lipo on the abdomen aim to lose weight?
No, just like liposuction, HD Lipo is not aimed at losing weight in sedentary people. Its focus is on remodeling muscle shapes.
What type of anesthesia is used for HD Lipo on the abdomen?
Anesthesia can vary, but is usually performed under local anesthesia with sedation or epidural anesthesia.
Difference between HD lipo and traditional liposuction
While HD lipo aims to define muscle contours by removing fat in specific proportions, traditional liposuction removes fat evenly. The HD technique suctions superficial layers of fat, highlighting specific muscles.
Types of LAD lipo
The choice between high or low definition lipo is determined by the desired result. Those looking for a tight abdomen opt for high definition, while patients who want a slightly marked belly can choose low definition. The decision should be discussed with the plastic surgeon.
Anesthesia and Procedure
HD lipo is performed under epidural or general anesthesia, using a cannula similar to conventional lipo. The surgeon removes fat from some points and performs grafts on others to create sculptural contours, aiming to define specific parts of the body.
Who is Lipo HD suitable for?
HD lipo is recommended for men and women who want a defined, sculpted body but find it difficult to achieve this result naturally through exercise or dieting. It is an option for those looking for a “healed” and marked appearance.

Using your fat
Fat Grafting
All the fat removed during lipo can be grafted into places that need volume, such as the buttocks, as well as imperfections, breast reconstructions and other types of repair, giving a natural and 100% rejection-free volume, according to the doctor’s and patient’s wishes, in these and other places on the body.
What is Lipo MD?
LIPO MD: Medium-definition liposuction
It is an aesthetic procedure that differs from traditional liposuction in that its main objective is not only to remove excess fat, but also to sculpt the body in order to enhance the muscles and create a more athletic look.
At the same time, it doesn’t have the high definition of HD lipo, making it a middle ground and an option for those who want to eliminate fat and at the same time prefer something less defined.
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