Men have embraced beauty treatments and have therefore become regular customers of beauty clinics. They want to improve their appearance by getting rid of unwanted facial and body hair

Men are increasingly aware of and interested in skin, hair and body treatments. Women are still the vast majority in beauty salons and clinics, but it’s also true that men are much more interested in improving their appearance, and the most sought-after treatments are those that promise to get rid of baldness and localized fat. As a result, they are increasingly becoming clients for liposuction and eyelid surgery. Some say that 20% of the clients of doctors specializing in the subject are men.

Making a parenthesis on the subject, another noteworthy phenomenon is gyms. These places used to be a meeting place for younger people, but now you see men and women of all ages, including in Pilates classes.

Returning to the focus, 20 years ago, the number of men seeking body treatments was negligible. In addition to the increased demand for well-being and the cult of the body, one of the reasons behind this growth, according to experts, is the concern about the job market, which places great emphasis on appearance. Today, those who are prettier and better presented have a better chance. And the better you are, the better you perform. Interestingly, not all patients undergo surgery. Currently, surgeries account for only 20% of procedures. The others are fillers for wrinkles and depressions, implants, peels and various other treatments that can be done without hospitalization and with increasing safety and speed.

Nowadays, both men and women know that it’s better to make several small interventions, starting early, than to let the problems build up. This way, they can look natural and youthful at older ages.

One recommendation, however, remains fundamental: always look for a properly trained plastic surgeon who has completed a two-year residency in General Surgery, a three-year residency in Surgery and a three-year residency in Surgery.

Plastic and has been approved as a specialist by the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery.

Style experts say that women are becoming more and more demanding of men’s appearance. If in the past a sloppy look was synonymous with virility, today the standards are different.

What attracts their attention the most? Dirty or gnawed nails can ruin a conversation on the first date. The habit of biting nails interferes with the appearance of the fingers, causes redness and even infections. Manicures are also essential for men, both for the hands and the feet.

Regular visits to the dermatologist or beautician are necessary to rid the skin of acne and blackheads. There’s nothing worse than thick, oily skin on a man’s face. This is an item that is observed even in job interviews.

Another point that often “burns the movie” for men are thick eyebrows with more hair than normal. Those who are in the know have already realized that the help of an eyebrow designer is essential for eliminating excesses, making the face look feminine and greatly improving the look. It’s also a good idea to trim your nose hair. Some men have very large ones that make a bad impression. Although this is not a “privilege” for men, women can also have very long nose hairs. The best way is to wax, it hurts a bit, but the end result is worth it. It’s worth explaining that when we talk about nose hairs, we’re referring to those that appear at the entrances to the nostrils. In fact, hair has the function of filtering the air we breathe.

On a positive note, men have discovered that they have vanity, that they can enjoy the same pleasure as women when it comes to beauty and well-being. What could be better than feeling your face smooth after a moisturizing massage?