Plastic surgeon in Niterói and Barra da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro

Frequently asked questions

Questions about plastic surgery

Certain noses allow scars to be hidden inside the nasal cavity. In these cases, there will be no apparent scar. In other cases, however, there are external scars that are not very apparent, as a result of incisions (cuts) made in the columella or nasal wings to better harmonize the result or even nasal physiology.
Each patient behaves differently in relation to the evolution of the scars and in the specific case of the nose, they generally become imperceptible. Certain patients may, however, be prone to unsightly scarring (hypertrophic or keloid). This fact should be discussed at the initial consultation, as well as your family characteristics. Fair-skinned people tend to develop this type of scarring less often.

Various clinical and surgical resources allow us to improve these unsightly scars at the right time. However, hypertrophic or keloid scars should not be confused with the natural evolution of the mediate healing period. Any doubts about your healing progress should be clarified during your post-operative visits, when the stage you are at can be assessed.

Various clinical and surgical resources allow us to improve these unsightly scars at the right time. However, the “mediate period” of normal healing (from the 30th day to the 12th month) should not be confused with a healing complication. Any doubts about your progress should be clarified with your doctor.

No. There is an aesthetic balance between the nose and the face, which the surgeon must observe in order to preserve the naturalness and authenticity of the face. The quality of the skin on the nose can also affect the prognosis of the desired result. Each case is studied so that the nose can be given the best possible shape, within the requirements of the face. If your choice coincides with the type of nose you have planned, your wish will undoubtedly be granted. Surgeon and patient must agree on the possible result. In addition, the nose has numerous functions, including breathing and olfaction, which need to be respected.

No. Several phases are characteristic of the post-operative period of the nose. This is why, in the first phase (right after the immobilizing bandage is removed, around the 7th day), despite the correction of various aesthetic defects of the original nose, we notice edema (swelling) which decreases over the days and tends to normalize around 6 to 12 months. There are patients who achieve the final result a little earlier, as well as others who go beyond this period. Whether or not transient edema persists for a longer period than normal does not usually interfere with the final result.

Rhinoplasty aims to improve aesthetic conditions and, when necessary, correct some of the patient’s respiratory alterations, when these conditions are precarious in the original nose. There may be slight breathing difficulties at certain times of the day in the immediate post-operative period. Over time it tends to normalize. When correction of the septum is necessary, rhinoplasty can be performed at the same time or on a second occasion, depending on the case.

The effect of surgery on this symptom is unpredictable. The important thing is to try as much as possible to preserve respiratory functions during rhinoplasty.

The result of a rhinoplasty lasts for a long time. After a few years, as with any part of the body, there may be some morphological changes in the nasal region due to the patient’s age.

Every medical act includes a variable risk and plastic surgery, as part of medicine, is no exception. You can minimize the risk by preparing each patient properly, but you can’t eliminate it completely.

Both local anesthesia under sedation and general anesthesia can be used. It will be up to the surgical team to choose the most appropriate one.

Between one and two hours. In some cases this time is exceeded. However, surgical time should not be confused with the length of time the patient stays in the operating room, as this also includes the period of anesthetic preparation and post-operative recovery. Your doctor will be able to tell you the total time.

It can vary from half a day to a day in hospital. Depending on the type of anesthesia used and the patient’s recovery in the immediate postoperative period.

Questions about Dr. Celso Boechat

Dr. Celso Boechat is a plastic surgeon with over 20 years’ experience, specializing in breast, body and facial surgeries.

Dr. Celso Boechat teaches and lectures around the world, sharing his expertise in the field of plastic surgery.

Dr. Celso Boechat works as a plastic surgeon in Niterói and Barra da Tijuca, in Rio de Janeiro.

The page does not provide specific details about Dr. Celso Boechat’s academic background. It would be advisable to check other sources or contact them directly for this information.

Dr. Celso Boechat has more than 20 years’ experience as a plastic surgeon, as mentioned on the page.

Dr. Celso Boechat has taken part in various scientific events, such as the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Congress and various Jornadas Cariocas de Cirurgia Plástica, as listed on the page.

Dr. Celso Boechat offers a variety of aesthetic procedures, including facial, body and breast surgeries, as detailed in the “Surgeries and procedures” section.

Yes, Dr. Celso Boechat has published works in Brazilian medical journals, such as his studies on reduction mammaplasty and the treatment of glabellar wrinkles.

Dr. Celso Boechat has a WhatsApp number (21) 997336862 to contact him, as well as the “Get in touch” option on his website.

Questions about the clinic

The plastic surgeon in charge of the clinic is Dr. Celso Boechat, who has more than 20 years of experience, teaches abroad and is licensed with CRM 52 67.073-1 | RQE 19.290.

Some of the members of the team are Gabriela Rocha (Surgical Instrumentation), Simone Quintella, Sonia Lopes, Deyse Ferreira (Attendance), Marcele (Nutritionist), Dr. Renata Reis (Phlebologist), Dra. Mariana Limelino (Endocrinologist), Dr. Higor Vieira (Nutrologist), Dra. Maria Castro (Vascular Surgeon), Dra. Amanda Lofeu, Dr. Juliana Lemos, and Dr. Ana Paula Iglesias (Dermatologists).

The team covers various medical specialties, including Plastic Surgery, Surgical Instrumentation, Attendance, Nutrition, Phlebology, Endocrinology, Nutrology, Vascular Surgery and Dermatology.

The clinic describes its approach as dedicated and committed to providing exceptional results and personalized care to enhance patients’ natural beauty, relying on the experience and excellence of its team.

The clinic is located in Niterói and Barra da Tijuca, in Rio de Janeiro. Each location offers convenient access to excellent plastic surgery care, ensuring comfort and convenience for patients on their journey towards aesthetic transformation.

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Surgeries and procedures performed by Dr. Celso Boechat

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Clínica Dr. Celso Boechat
Acompanhamento de Pacientes