Dr. Celso Boechat
Renowned plastic surgeon in Rio de Janeiro with over 25 years’ experience.
Breast, body and facial surgeries
Plastic Surgeon in Rio De Janeiro
- Over 25 years of dedication to health, well-being and beauty
- He teaches and lectures around the world
- Humanized service
- Head of the Plastic Surgery Department
- Trained dozens of plastic surgeons since 2008
- Member of continuing education committees of the American Society of Plastic Surgery
- Member of the Plastic Surgery Technical Chamber of the Federal Council of Medicine
- Member of the Teaching Department of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery

- XX ATLS Course – student (RJ) – American College of Surgeons
Venue: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – UFRJ - XV HUAP Video-Laparoscopic Surgery Course
Venue: Antonio Pedro University Hospital – UFF - Professional Training Course for Forensic Experts
Venue: Sylvio Terra State Police Academy – ACADEPOL – RJ - “Integrated Course for the Accredited Services of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery – Rio de Janeiro Region
Venue: Brazilian College of Surgeons - Modern Trends in the Use of Implants and Expansion Prostheses in Augmentation Plastic Surgery and Post-Mastectomy Reconstruction”
Location: National Cancer Institute – INCA – RJ - Integrated Course for Accredited Services of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery – Rio de Janeiro Regional Office
Venue: Brazilian College of Surgeons - Monthly Meeting of the Plastic Surgery Discipline – Pedro Ernesto University Hospital
Venue: Pedro Ernesto University Hospital – UERJ - I Integrated Practical Course in Plastic Surgery
Location: Clementino Fraga Filho University Hospital – RJ - Integrated Course for Accredited Services of the Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgery – Rio de Janeiro Region
Venue: Brazilian College of Surgeons - Advanced Gluteoplasty Course
Location: Hospital da Plástica – RJ

Cirurgias mais procuradas
Cirurgias Plásticas no Rio de Janeiro
De praias deslumbrantes a uma estética vibrante, conheça as cirurgias plásticas que refletem o belo espírito e o padrão estético dinâmico do Rio de Janeiro.
Como chegar
Nossos endereços no Rio
Niterói - RJ
R. Ator Paulo Gustavo, 229 – 2º andar
Telefone: 55 (21) 99733-6862
Barra da Tijuca - RJ
Av. das Américas, 4200 – Bl. 2 – sala 242 e 243
Telefone: 55 (21) 99733-6862

![dr-celso-boechat-[image] – 5592089 dr-celso-boechat-[image] - 5592089](https://drcelsoboechat.com.br/application/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/dr-celso-boechat-image-5592089-qhszkjes5nvnweaopiehhs66729saidd35ltidryyg.jpeg)
![dr-celso-boechat-[image] – 5592089 dr-celso-boechat-[image] - 5592089](https://drcelsoboechat.com.br/application/wp-content/uploads/elementor/thumbs/dr-celso-boechat-image-5592089-qhszkjes5nvnweaopiehhs66729saidd35ltidryyg.jpeg)

Surgeries and procedures
Discover aesthetic procedures for the face, body and breast, with an emphasis on humanized care and exceptional results. We invite you to discover the transformative possibilities offered by our qualified team.

Discover the most modern and efficient facial surgeries and aesthetic procedures offered by Dr. Celso Boechat.

Discover body transformations with Dr. Celso Boechat. Personalized procedures for the desired aesthetic.

Explore aesthetic breast procedures with Dr. Celso Boechat. Personalization and quality for your aesthetics.

Frequently asked questions for Dr. Celso
Dr. Celso Boechat is a plastic surgeon with over 20 years’ experience, specializing in breast, body and facial surgeries.
Dr. Celso Boechat teaches and lectures around the world, sharing his expertise in the field of plastic surgery.
Dr. Celso Boechat works as a plastic surgeon in Niterói and Barra da Tijuca, in Rio de Janeiro.
The page does not provide specific details about Dr. Celso Boechat’s academic background. It would be advisable to check other sources or contact them directly for this information.
Dr. Celso Boechat has more than 20 years’ experience as a plastic surgeon, as mentioned on the page.
Dr. Celso Boechat has taken part in various scientific events, such as the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Congress and various Jornadas Cariocas de Cirurgia Plástica, as listed on the page.
Dr. Celso Boechat offers a variety of aesthetic procedures, including facial, body and breast surgeries, as detailed in the “Surgeries and procedures” section.
Yes, Dr. Celso Boechat has published works in Brazilian medical journals, such as his studies on reduction mammaplasty and the treatment of glabellar wrinkles.
Dr. Celso Boechat has a WhatsApp number (21) 997336862 to contact him, as well as the “Get in touch” option on his website.